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  • -= MKF random trek thread =-

    OK found the heavy handed AO effect it is part of the GI settings now to nail which one it is so I can lighten the amount it does or eliminate it and use the shader instead. WELL maybe the uh setting called amn. occlusion? pffft though wish it had a setting to create it based on surrounding color and light (hdr in this case or the gizmo) vs BLACK.


  • Excalibor's little corner

    OK, some reworking and designing: new nacelles! I like how stylized they are, they make for a very elegant shape, but are not an extravaganza like the Excelsior II-class. Let me know your thoughts!

    Also, a tractor beam emitter! We have already seen many on the cargo hangar bay, now ship size... :-)


    A more detailed view from the stern. The insides are the same as the other nacelles, just slightly modified so the Bussard collectors were a bit further from the primary phase Warp coils. While not inspired in anything, I guess they were sort of drifting towards a familiar design. Well, I can dig that... :-)

  • Tiny Trek Issue 04 - Orion Gambit WIP

  • May The Prophets Forgive Me

    Updated with the wormhole growing at the start, a terrible geometry lens flare experiment that's not working, a better but still a little bumpy camera move and some placeholder parts of the tunnel/interior of the wormhole.
  • Star Trek Interiors

    Aaaand I couldn't help myself, I stayed all night updating the Ross MSD... :joy:
    All bridge renders now have the updated version.

  • Jayru's WIP Dump Thread

    I think the Cyrathian Attack Ship can be locked down, and I can move to some of the scenes I want to make with these ships, But I need a light frigate, something to balance out the Protectorate Fleet - so:


    Very much a study/concept at the moment. I might rework this into being an explorer... Will ponder the ideas. Anyways, Comments welcome - more soon!
  • Star Trek Interiors

    @Rory1707: Thanks!

    Looking at the Cerberus MSD up-close again after so long for the corridor I realized how empty and basic it was looking, so just like others before it updated it a bit. Still not at the level of detail some other artists go for, but for my purposes it now works a lot better. Here's a before-and-after, and the necessary renders of both the bridge and corridor were redone with this new version.

    I'll probably do the same for the USS Ross soon, I'm embarrassed by that MSD!

  • Coolhands 3D printing projects.

    Switching up the style of car a bit, since the process isn't limited by factors like undercuts it might be fun to print the twisting form of a neon sign, at this scale the lettering would be just 1mm thick! q9wmdeyopeho.jpg
  • Pleiades' Nook

    So, my current work revolves around getting better surfaces, so I started an odd WIP (for Star Trek I think), which is a concept new type of torpedo. I think of it as likely a banned or secret prototype, limited in number. This is the Closed String Supersymettric Torpedo (CSSST), which is an advancement further into the quantum realm of torpedo technology.

    This particular shot shows the computer on one side of the torpedo, with a custom LCARS interface. It's about 3 metres long in total. The LCARS panel here is around 28 x 37 cm, to give an idea of scale.


    StarCruiserwibbleWarp Propulsion Laboratory
  • Pleiades' Nook

    Hi there!

    I was a member here many years ago, under this user name. I took a very long break (nearly 10 years) from 3D modelling for various reasons. My primary interest is Star Trek, but I do wander into other areas.

    When I have time, I will post various things in here, relating probably more to Star Trek than anything else.

    StarCruiserRekkertwibbleWarp Propulsion Laboratory